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A. Hitler
G.W. Bush & Bin Laden
C. de Gaulle
Marx & Lenin
Jesus Christus
Mao Zedong
N. Sarkozy & C. Bruni

More to come...

Christophe Bruno
(Jan. 2004 - Mar. 2010)

In March 2010 at Ars Longa


3D Virtual Socialism
Karl Marx (conception) & Vladimir I. Oulianov a.k.a. Lenin (programming)
Brussels, Belgium - Moscow, Russia, 1848 - 1917

We have created MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) which mimics social behaviours but with slightly different rules : pulsions such as greed or love for money are discouraged. Instead, collaborative or socially oriented behaviours are rewarded. But we left the goal of the game open, otherwise it was to easy to win...

3D by Frédéric Lepeltier